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Take a Sonic Inventory of Your Sound Environment


Joshua Leeds, Sound Researcher

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6 Ways to Prepare Your Pets for the Holidays

5 Tips to Keep Your Pets Comfortable and Safe During Winter

Separation Anxiety And Your Dog: The Complete Guide

5 Recipes to Help You Create Your Own Dog Treats at Home

3 Ways to Make Exercising Fun with Your Pet

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The Music

Why Music for Pets?

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How Our Music Works



Take a Sonic Inventory of Your Sound Environment


Joshua Leeds, Sound Researcher

Bioacoustic Research

The Musicians

Shelter Program


iCalmPet Blog

6 Ways to Prepare Your Pets for the Holidays

Together All the Time: At Home with Pets During Covid-19

Keeping Your Dog Occupied at Home During Quarantine

Hearing Loss in Dogs 2020 [Causes + Solutions]

Separation Anxiety And Your Dog: The Complete Guide

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1467 Siskiyou Blvd, #30
Ashland, OR 97520 USA

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(800) 788-0949 (USA only)
(541) 482-2134
Fax: (541) 488-7796

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Mother’s Day is not the easiest of holidays for me. I have no human children and have never been called “mom.” No one has ever said, “Happy Mother’s Day mom, I love you!”

But, can we be mothers to species other than humans? I am the single provider for two dogs, Sanchez and Gina. But, I usually think of them as my companion animals, not my children. Even though others may see me as a dog-mom, with my children being of the furry sort.

My 81-year-old mother is 3,000 miles away. I am very grateful that she is in good health, and we will have some time together at the end of the month. And, even though my dogs are not my children, I am very happy to be spending Mother’s Day with them. Whether I take them for a hike, drive them to the beach, or they sit by my side at an outdoor cafe, they are still my full responsibility.

I pride myself with being a very conscientious care-taker for them, providing a very healthy diet, plenty of exercise, daily reward-based dog training, environmental enrichment, participation in dog sports, playtime, and an infinite amount of love. They won’t ever graduate from high school, leave for college and produce offspring. But, when I adopted them, I promised them a forever home. They get room and board with medical and dental for life. I am their provider, care-taker, training partner, agility partner, canine freestyle partner, and human snuggler, even if I am not their mom.

A study in New Scientist reported that pet dogs rival humans for emotional satisfaction. After playing with their pets, dog owners experienced a burst in a hormone linked to infant care. I honestly have had more experience playing with puppies than taking care of infants, so I can’t compare. But, I do know that my engagement and relationship with my dogs is extremely emotionally satisfying and bonding. It’s not surprising to me that Dr. Rollin McCarty, Director of Research at the Institute of HeartMath, conducted an experiment and found that heart-rhythm entrainment, or synchronization, occurs between people and their dogs.

There are 75.1 million children in the United States. projects that number will increase to over 100 million by the year 2050.  At the end of 2009, The Humane Society reported there were 77.5 million owned dogs in the U.S. and 93.6 million cats. The pet over-population problem is out of control.

So, this Mother’s Day, I’m going to enjoy being a mom, if only for a day. I’m not going to feel guilty raising good canine citizens instead of good children. I’m going to be proud of my choice to not add to the over human population and remind myself that I am helping the pet over-population.

Have you tried Sound Therapy for your dogs? Through a Dog’s Ear is the first music clinically demonstrated to calm the canine nervous system.

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Calm your Canine Companion Music Series

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