Fireworks (1-hr)

Fireworks (1-hr)

Teach your dog fireworks are nothing to fear. There isn’t a dog alive who loves fireworks. These explosions leave them quivering, panting, drooling, or at worst, destroying your home. With an ability to hear twice as many frequencies as people, at a capability...

5 Signs of a Responsible Dog Owner

Being a responsible pet parent may have many different definitions. But, it is more than just loving your dog and meeting his basic needs. Being responsible means learning how to understand the world from your dog’s point of view. Dogs speak a different language than...

Using a Sonic Inventory to Reduce Stress

  What is a sonic inventory? Sound researcher Joshua Leeds and veterinary neurologist Susan Wagner co-authored Through a Dog’s Ear, the first book to examine the powerful effect of the human soundscape on canines. They suggest taking a “sonic inventory” of your...

Tips for Keeping Dogs Safe on Halloween

It can be very fun for children to dress up as ghouls and goblins. But, dogs don’t understand the concept and can be very fearful of people wearing masks and costumes. And the huge number of children ringing the doorbell and yelling “Trick or Treat” can cause...